On Aug. 17 the Museum hosts the Washington State Academy of Sciences 2023 Symposium, Sustainable Aviation in Washington, from noon to 7 p.m. The symposium will look at how to reach the emission reduction goals of Washington State, how the aviation industry can adopt new technologies, and consider innovations in public policy, infrastructure and workforce development.
The WSAS brings together the people and ideas needed to map Washington State’s path to leadership in this rapidly developing sector. Elected officials, staff of federal, state or local government, and members of WSAS, the aviation community, or academia are encouraged to attend. Registration $125 general/$50 WSAS Members, limited student registration through Aug. 15.
Co-organizers include: Washington State Academy of Sciences, The Joint Center for Aerospace Technology Innovation, Washington State Department of Commerce, The Museum of Flight, and Aerospace Futures Alliance (AFA).
For Museum information, please call 206-764-5720 or visit www.museumofflight.org